Entropy isn't real.
And there's a reason they sold you the lie.
When I say entropy, what comes to your mind?
Most likely it's the idea that the universe is always trending towards more and more disorder. Slowly descending into chaos, and the inevitable heat death of the sun (or some such nonsense).
You likely also believe that this is a law of physics. An immutable, first-principle fact of our world.
It is not.
And I can show you how, and why they convinced you otherwise.
Something that often comes up in the discussion of Truth vs 'conspiracy' is: 'Why would they lie about that?'
Its a fair and important question to ask.
In most cases, if we isolate a single event, the need or reason for subversion/inversion of the truth is hard to see. But when taken in context and concert with it's deceptive brothers and sisters, the truth is self-evident.
For a moment, I want you to suspend your disbelief and rely only on what you observe and experience.
Does it seem like everything is trending toward chaos, naturally? Can you think of any examples in your day-to-day life?
I observe the exact opposite.
Everything I see in the natural world is increasing in structure and order.
Seeds grow into trees; Trees form the forests. Eggs hatch into birds; birds fly as flocks. Adam joined with Eve, and their sons filled the earth.
Man is nature's anti-entropy exemplar.
We begin as the union of two cells, and we end with a beautifully complex, interconnected body. A body full of interdependent systems: skeletal, muscular, fascial, circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, neuro-chemical, and more.
This body holds space for our mind to order the world, and our spirit to fill it.
We make friends. We build families. We build buildings, cities, teams, businesses, communities, tools, and more. We create stories, and write them in books. We break hearts and heal them with poetry. We feel pain and joy and paint when we can't find the words.
And we share it all with one another.
We are not spiralling towards heat death in 'infinite space'.
The world is Divinely ordered; A Grand Story is being written. It's happening right here and now.
You have a role to play, and a pen to wield.
Entropy is a lie. Chaos is what's unnatural.
So why sell the idea of entropy?
Because when you feel scared and alone, you are easy to control. You stay trapped in the prison of your mind, inactive and constricted because it feels ‘safe’ in there.
And if you're simply a biological machine, playing the hunger games in an amoral, infinite, and cold arena of 'natural selection' it makes sense that you would be.
Do not be afraid.
You are evidence of the Divine order, and an agent who can create more of it. You are not alone. In fact, you are deeply connected.
Do not let anyone convince you otherwise.
And if you're in a lonely stretch right now, CREATE your way out of it. The path to deep connection is genuine self-expression.
I'll leave you with beautiful words from my brother Jung:
Thank you for reading, Share if you feel called, otherwise, talk soon.
Be The Renaissance.