Why did I run a marathon on NYE with no training?
Because I said that I would.
Each year for my birthday I challenge myself.
This tradition began on my 24th birthday when I challenged myself to complete a 5-day fast and silent retreat. I walked away with a deep sense of accomplishment and pride, and decided that my annual birthday present to myself would be Resistance.
“Resistance is not a peripheral opponent. Resistance arises from within. It is self-generated and self-perpetuated. resistance is the enemy within.”
― Steven Pressfield, The War of Art
Thus began my birthday 'Misogi'; a ritual of purification. Enter the crucible, and through struggle, purify the spirit.
This birthday ritual guarantees that every year I get to reflect on a massive accomplished goal, and a promise kept to myself. This is self-esteem as soul-craft.
But why NYE? My birthday is in April.
At the begging of 2024 I chose my Misogi as a marathon with no training (I don’t run, nor like to run). I knew it would be a challenge, and certainly not 'fun' in the traditional sense.
Due to international travel this year, I was not able to run on/near my birthday. And because of some recent detox and illness, I only had one day left of 2024 to get it done.
I could have pushed to next year. No one would have judged me for it. I'm not even sure if anyone would have asked. The empty box on my 2024 goals list would have been my little secret.
But Integrity is an inside job. You can never escape the accountability of your own soul. In plain terms: I would have known, and it would have eaten me alive.
So in the end, I thugged it out. It was indeed challenging, deeply humbling, and one of the most painful experiences of my life. I ran for about 10 miles, ran/walked for about 8 more, walked 4, and limped the final 4. (The full behind the scenes vlog will be up on my YouTube channel soon.)

I wouldn’t want to close out 2024 any other way. And starting 2025 incredibly sore just feels right.
Thank you for reading, Share if you feel called, otherwise, talk soon.
Be The Renaissance.